There are many things that contribute to fracking’s bad reputation, but contaminated drinking water is no longer one of them.
When it comes to fracking, there is a long list of concerns that need to be considered, but luckily, contaminated drinking water isn’t one of them anymore. A new study from a professor at Yale Univeristy has found that the hydraulic fracking process itself does not pose a contamination threat to our water supply. However, it is important to note that ground spills in fracking sites still do pose a threat to our water supply.
Lead the way to a safer water supply with our high-quality water storage tanks.
Because fracking itself doesn’t pose a threat to our water supply, it means that we have to be extra careful about frac water storage. Weaks walls and leaks can lead to ground spills, which help to propel the myth that fracking contaminates water. It’s time to find a better water storage solution, and Well Water Solutions can help. We offer the very best water storage tanks in the business, and they are designed to be the safest and most secure tanks available. When you have water storage tanks from Well Water Solutions on your side, you won’t have to worry about ground spills from leaks ever again.
Many fracking companies are breathing a sigh of relief with Yale’s latest study, but that doesn’t mean that you should no longer be diligent about how you store your frac water. Be a leader in the industry and start protecting the world around you with our state-of-the-art water storage tanks.