Have you had a chance to read our latest blog yet? If you have, then you already know that we can help you overcome one of the industry’s biggest environmental challenges, which is water usage. We have water treatment technology that makes your frac water reusable once again. Apart from the obvious environmental benefits that come with reduced water demand, reusing flow back and produced water comes with a plethora of benefits. The following is a list of just a few of the many benefits that come from reusing frac water:
#1. Cuts costs for businesses.
Using fresh water for every single well adds up quickly. The price of oil keeps dropping, but as the demand on water keeps growing, so does the cost. On average, water can cost anywhere from $9 – $26/bbl. Not only do you have to purchase the water, you also have to have it delivered to your well, leading to extravagant transfer costs. With our water treatment process and water storage tanks, you will have the water you need, at a much more affordable rate. This will not only improve your bottom line right now, it will also allow your company to be more stable in the future.
#2. Improves the industry’s reputation.
The environmental impacts of such exorbitant water usage have given the industry a bad reputation. Not only does this hurt individual companies, but protests, lobbyists, etc., also hurt the industry as a whole. The more environmentally-friendly advances the fracking industry can make, the more it will be seen as positive, rather than negative and controversial.
These are just a couple of the many benefits of reusable water for the fracking industry, as well as for individual companies. Stay tuned for our next blog to learn more.