Environmentalists refuse to acknowledge the environmental benefits of fracking.
When it comes to hydraulic fracturing, environmentalists have a lot to say. They’ll talk about earthquakes, contaminated aquifers, dangerous frac ponds and so much more. Many of these environmental groups have gained more and more passion about fracking due to the climate conference that was recently held in Paris, but few of them acknowledge all of the progress that fracking has helped us make in lowering our nation’s carbon emissions.
As natural gas starts to replace fossil fuels, we are seeing carbon emissions dramatically decline.
The biggest benefit of fracking is that is gives us access to natural gas, which is the cleanest burning fossil fuel. Due to the switch from dirty-burning fossil fuels to natural gas, we have seen a huge decline in our carbon emissions. In fact, according to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, in 2013, emissions from the energy sector were at their lowest point in almost 30 years! While environmentalist continue to spread false information about the negative impacts of fracking on the environment, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that fracking has played a huge role in helping us lower our emissions and fight climate change.
Fracking is helping us move towards the future in many ways, and at Well Water Solutions, we are proud to say that we offer frac tanks and other solutions to make fracking safer and more environmentally friendly. Learn more about our one-of-a-kind solutions by visiting our site today. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns.