Jobs and economic growth. These have been exceptionally important topics over the last decade, and will continue to be driving forces behind government decisions and policy for a long time to come. The energy sector makes up a large portion of any country’s economy and the United States is no exception. With natural gas taking the lead powering the country’s electric grid, it’s no surprise that the industry also employs a large number of individuals. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, “the extraction of “unconventional” shale oil and gas through horizontal hydraulic fracturing – or fracking – has meant a job boom even in states that don’t actually have shale deposits, with 1.7 million jobs already created and a total of 3.5 million projected by 2035.” That’s huge number of jobs over the next several decades on top of what’s already been created. Think about it, though. Fracking doesn’t just employ individuals who work on the drill site or travel the country setting up drill platforms; fracking actually boosts many more industries that you would think.
It’s easy to imagine individuals who set up the fracking sites. It’s even to imagine petroleum engineers sitting in an office calculating chemicals needed to produce a specific amount of product. But there are more jobs you don’t typically see that are directly related to the hydraulic fracturing industry.
In both Canada and the United States, oil and natural gas are exceptionally important. But think of all the different moving parts it takes to have an operating drilling pad all the way to getting the final product packaged and distributed. For example, fracking takes a unique blend of water, chemicals, and sand to be able to break up the shale miles below the earth’s surface and retrieve natural gas. Not just any sand is an option for a fracking operation. Sand has to be the right size and texture in order to be the most effective for fracking, and these companies that provide materials, such as fracking sand, employ workers across North America.
Consider northern Wisconsin. Small towns all throughout northern Wisconsin are the heart of the frac sand mining industry because of the high-quality sand that can be found there. The companies in the area employ hundreds of individuals and provide them with good paying jobs that support the fracking industry. While the jobs can sometimes be volatile with the oil and gas market, they are now a critical part of the energy sector in many ways. What’s most interesting is how many of these companies are able to diversify, which helps to create sustainable jobs. Many of these high-quality sand mines that are used for fracking are also used for other industries that create glass, roofing, and water filtration products.
The same can be said for other companies that support the hydraulic fracturing industry. Companies, like Well Water Solutions, that provide a variety of services, from above-ground storage tanks for wastewater to post-fracking water treatment, all help to sustain energy production while supplying much needed jobs across the continent.
When you really dig into how many industries are affected by the oil and gas industry, you can see how many people rely on them in order to feed their families or pay their mortgage. Everything from steel for liquid storage tanks, to electrical equipment to monitor pressure in a well are needed for the fracking industry to continue to produce enough natural gas to keep the lights on.
If you’re a fracking operation in need of above ground storage tanks for wastewater disposal, turn to Well Water Solutions for your needs. Call today!